Annotation The Way of Kings Chapter 1

Annotation The Way of Kings Chapter 1 This was a controversial chapter for my writing group and my editor, and was wrapped up in the whole learning curve argument. It was suggested several times that if this chapter were from Kaladin’s viewpoint, the book wouldn’t feel quite so overwhelming at the start. After all, Chapters…

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Annotation The Way of Kings Prelude

Annotation The Way of Kings Prelude In classic Sanderson fashion, the beginning of this book was the part to see the biggest edits. I usually start a novel, write from beginning to end, then go back and play heavily with my beginning to better match the tone of the book. Here, one of my big…

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Annotation The Way of Kings Endpapers

The endpapers were one of the things that we weren’t certain whether we’d get into the final book or not. Tor was iffy on paying for them, as they add a large expense to the novels. In the end, Tor stepped up because they believed in the project, for which I am very grateful.

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Annotation The Way of Kings Introduction

Annotation The Way of Kings Introduction Welcome to the annotations, being written at long last. Normally, I do annotations for a book while going over the copyedit. That all started to change in 2009 when my time got very short due to finishing the Wheel of Time novels. I also started handing the duty of…

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