
THE ALLOY OF LAW midnight release tonight, Fan Trailer + Updates
Nov 07, 2011
THE ALLOY OF LAW midnight release tonight, Fan Trailer + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses...
Alloy of Law T-shirt, Infinity Blade novella on Nook + Updates
Oct 31, 2011
My assistant Becky wanted me to do one last shout-out for international signed book orders....
Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates
Oct 25, 2011
Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates Here’s a really cool Mistborn pumpkin by deviantART member...
A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates
Oct 10, 2011
A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates I’ve put up another Twitter archive post. And...
Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates
Sep 26, 2011
Leigh Butler interviewed me for Fantasy Magazine. The interview talks about THE ALLOY OF LAW,...
Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates
Sep 19, 2011
Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates There’s a new chapter of my unfinished 2001 novel MYTHWALKER...