
Writing Excuses Parsec + A MEMORY OF LIGHT Excerpt
Sep 04, 2012
Writing Excuses Parsec + A MEMORY OF LIGHT Excerpt In the most recent Writing Excuses...
My Dragon*Con Schedule
Aug 29, 2012
This week’s Writing Excuses episode was recorded live at Gen Con and features Monte Cook talking with Mary, Howard, and me about writing gaming fiction. On a related topic, this weekend we will learn the fate of the two awards Writing Excuses has been nominated for: the Hugo Award in the Best Related Work category, and the Parsec Award in the Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation category. Mary and Howard will be at the Hugo Awards ceremony at Worldcon in Chicago, and I will attend the Parsec Awards ceremony at Dragon*Con in Atlanta.
My Albuquerque Bubonicon Schedule
Aug 22, 2012
My Albuquerque Bubonicon Schedule This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is titled “How to Start...
THE WAY OF KINGS Deleted Scene + Updates
Aug 13, 2012
THE WAY OF KINGS Deleted Scene + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode with...
August Conventions, LEGION & Updates
Aug 07, 2012
August Conventions, LEGION & Updates A reminder about the conventions I’ll be attending this month....
Hugo Voting Deadline Tomorrow + Updates
Jul 29, 2012
Hugo Voting Deadline Tomorrow + Updates Somehow I missed announcing that Writing Excuses Season Six...